TWO 4 Win 0.12.7 Sending OSC RGB data

I use different RGB colours throughout my scenes. I’m currently using a Switch in TouchDesigner and switching between 0-1 which translates as 1-3 to select 1 of 3 colours.

However this requires new colours to be defined as and when required. I’m not sure if my source data supports sending multiple values for a given OSC name space, however if I wanted to what would be the string to send these values please?


OSC does not explicitly know about colors, so that is something that needs to be a convention decided by your sending and/or receiving app.

The usual ones are:

/your/address/pattern/colour, fff(f) - with range 0.0-1.0

/your/address/pattern/colour, iii(i) - with range 0-255

The fourth value in parentheses, is if you also support Alpha. Always assuming RGB for the preceding three values.

Ilias B.