I agree that TWO should work for what you’re describing, and if we find that it doesn’t I’ll make sure to add any missing feature that will make it tick all the boxes for you.
You’re correct that to integrate TWO with Zoltan’s software, the setup gets a bit more complex, assuming “OSC Controller” is bidirectional. The example videos I have on YT cover bidirectional communication with TWO in-between two other applications, and indeed you’ll need a “Router”. The examples are the BitFocus & StreamDeck, and OSC/Pilot ones.
First things first, TWO doesn’t - yet - have the same notion of clips that Resolume and Ableton have. I would love to have that, but it’s a complex feature that will not be ready in just a few days I’m afraid. But you can probably make use of the features already in TWO to get the functionality you need.
In the PDF Manual, page 36, I detail the “OSC remote control” of TWO, and specifically what may be useful to you is “Applying Preset States”.
Unfortunately, that will not allow playing back a complex clip, only trigger a preset in the “live” view.
Another thing I think might work for you, is the “Action” option that State Keyframes provide in the TWO State timeline, to stop playback when that state is reached.
That feature is there to make timelines a little bit more interactive - whenever a state is reached with the Stop action, playback will stop, and will only start again when commanded to.
So if you have state keys strategically placed out alongside recordings below, maybe this can be of some help?
To answer you last direct question, no, it’s not currently possible in TWO to trigger a set of recorded “scenes”/clips when Arena triggers a column, not without my adding a feature to TWO.
What you CAN do, is have the message to trigger the Arena column be sent from TWO, and happening at the same time as triggering the recorded automation clips in TWO, with the automation for that column. Then you’ll be controlling the whole thing in TWO’s timelines, and not the Resolume GUI.
What I can also think of might be useful for you is this:
- To start/stop TWO’s transport over OSC.
- To jump to specific times in the timeline over OSC - should already be possible, but is best combined with the missing start/stop.
This doesn’t currently exist in TWO, but will be easy for me to add and is a good feature to bring the OSC remote control up to par with the new Timelines.
The two above, combined, could be used to trigger the behavior you need, right? Perhaps these messages could even be stored as presets IN TWO, and triggered under the “Live” presets viewport. But I don’t think the triggering event from Arena could contain all the info needed, so if it has to be triggered from Arena, you’ll still need to patch that mapping in e.g. T.D. or Max come to think of it.
I’ll think of what other possible existing or new feature could be helpful for you, without dragging in tools like TD/Max.
It’s not necessary, but just checking, are you at all familiar with TouchDesigner, and/or MaxMSP? On what platform are you, Mac or Windows? IF you don’t mind, do also share your project files with me for the involved software and I can try things out to see if I can get the behavior we’ve discussed.
Finally, I hope you’ve downloaded the latest 0.10.1 version, it contains some important timelines improvements!
Ilias B.