Record/Edit/Play back OSC from Resolume, with TWO

I’ve been experimenting with using TWO as a timeline OSC record/edit/playback tool for Resolume, and have come quite a long way, but I’ve realized that by default, Resolume does not react well to having all the data it transmits being sent back from TWO verbatim.
Some messages are not meant to be received at the density they are sent. Others overlap, and while all are sent, only one should be received, etc.

I would love it if you wanted to test things out, to figure out what of the Resolume data should be filtered out in TWO and/or Resolume, so that it can work in unison with TWO!

I’ve put together a little video for this post, which you may find a good intro:

There is also a blog-post with all the steps needed to take the TWO & Resolume integration as far as I am able for the time being, and plan to continuously update it: … tegration/

I’ve just released a new version of TWO, which is currently free to use – download it and please let me know how you get along!

First off, kudos to you for making this, it’s some next level genius level stuff. I’ve been looking for an elegant way to add visuals to ableton live with resolume in windows for years now, and this seems the best out there, and very open-ended. The latest version doesn’t install for me, I get a runtime error, but version has installed correctly and opens. I saw elsewhere you were sort of inviting help from people in exploring the ableton/resolume link, I’d love to join that effort! Are there project files or anything else you can share? And can you help so that the latest version installs, like is there a specific runtime library I need to go install to make this work? Again, great work, and thanks!

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Thank you for the kind words!

For the Resolume integration, the files linked within the post from above are still up-to-date, especially considering you are not running the latest version of TWO.

You mention it didn’t work for you on Windows, I assume version 10?

I’ll try the installer on a few more windows machines around here to see if I can recreate the error - meanwhile, if there’s any specific error message do let me know!

I am working on wrapping up a big set of improvements, specifically towards better integration with programs such as Resolume, as soon as that is out I’d be delighted for you to try it out with your setup.

The most important question is, of all the parameters that Resolume continuously transmits, which ones would it also react well to have sent back to it the same way it sent them? Because in my experience, recording and playing back all messages just confuses it, especially the many “Position” messages using which it echoes the current time within each clip.

Ilias B.

Meanwhile, I figured out what the issue was and hopefully fixed it thank you for reporting it!

I’d love it if you could try this installer:

What happened was, the installer detected a pre-requisite was missing on your computer (the Microsoft VC++ library), but then the code for fetching and installing it had a bug.

The installer linked above should work however!

Sorry for the delay in responding, I just tried the new installer and it works, great job! I’m going to go back and load the files in the original post, I think I understand your point, it sounds like Resolume gets overwhelmed with messages and we need to find out which ones are essential and which could maybe be muted. One of the things I’m trying to do is make something that can get results almost like Ebosuite with it’s tight A/V integration and glitchy remix effects, but for windows of course, and dividing the work between dedicated DAW and VJ programs so separate computers could divide the workload if needed. That’s part of what drew me to TWO, it sits in the middle of all these different programs and and makes all the work of juggling MIDI and OSC around so much easier, it’s brilliant! Anyway, it might take me a little while, but I’ll testing thins out and will report back, thanks!

Great to hear from you, no worries, these things take time!

I’ve been putting the final touches to the revision of TWO’s messaging that makes a much better integration possible, and have been testing it out doing more complex things, like having many programs interacting through TWO. Not QUITE there yet, but I’ve made a lot of progress - here’s a little preview of what I’ve been trying out to verify the new changes make the most sense:

OSC Pilot and Resolume (demo versions) are here collaborating, through TWO, with TWO providing the recording and editing, as well as bridging.

Interesting about Ebosuite, didn’t know about it, I’ll take a good look at what it is, I love innovation in these fields!

On that note, my dream is to learn Notch well (I have a CG background so should be manageable), and make works that involve Ableton, TWO And Notch.

This blew my mind, surely with TWO it can also be turned into an interactive live instrument I am hoping!


Just a heads up - I’ve released a big set of improvements, most relevant for use with Resolume, currently out for windows with OS X coming up.

I’ll work more on examples on the new features, meanwhile, the included pdf does a good job of explaining them.


Hei hei, Ilias,

I found your site and TWO when trying to find a tool to record, edit and playback transformations on Resolume. We are a local community theatre and use Resolume with the Linear OSC Controller written by Palffy Zoltan for simple triggering (via MIDI) of scene changes. I’m looking to be able to capture OSC position/rotation/scale information on clips so that when I trigger a column in Resolume, the OSC is automaticaly replayed into Resolume. Essentially allowing me to build a stack of layers with videos/text ect that will make up a single video cue, where some of those layers transform through time once the column is triggered. I’ve been doing this using the envelopes in Arena with success – but the current show will require much more complex paths/transforms.

I figured there should be a way of recording the OSC and replaying it automatically on triggers and my search led here… :slight_smile:

I’m working my way through the example here with some success - but am thinking that I might need an OSC Router in order for the Linear OSC Controller and TWO to speak to Arena; but first step would be to get TWO to trigger a set of recorded Scenes when Arena triggers the column… is that possible?

Any pointers/suggestions would be welcomed!

Thanks in advance,


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I agree that TWO should work for what you’re describing, and if we find that it doesn’t I’ll make sure to add any missing feature that will make it tick all the boxes for you.

You’re correct that to integrate TWO with Zoltan’s software, the setup gets a bit more complex, assuming “OSC Controller” is bidirectional. The example videos I have on YT cover bidirectional communication with TWO in-between two other applications, and indeed you’ll need a “Router”. The examples are the BitFocus & StreamDeck, and OSC/Pilot ones.

First things first, TWO doesn’t - yet - have the same notion of clips that Resolume and Ableton have. I would love to have that, but it’s a complex feature that will not be ready in just a few days I’m afraid. But you can probably make use of the features already in TWO to get the functionality you need.

In the PDF Manual, page 36, I detail the “OSC remote control” of TWO, and specifically what may be useful to you is “Applying Preset States”.

Unfortunately, that will not allow playing back a complex clip, only trigger a preset in the “live” view.

Another thing I think might work for you, is the “Action” option that State Keyframes provide in the TWO State timeline, to stop playback when that state is reached.

That feature is there to make timelines a little bit more interactive - whenever a state is reached with the Stop action, playback will stop, and will only start again when commanded to.

So if you have state keys strategically placed out alongside recordings below, maybe this can be of some help?

To answer you last direct question, no, it’s not currently possible in TWO to trigger a set of recorded “scenes”/clips when Arena triggers a column, not without my adding a feature to TWO.

What you CAN do, is have the message to trigger the Arena column be sent from TWO, and happening at the same time as triggering the recorded automation clips in TWO, with the automation for that column. Then you’ll be controlling the whole thing in TWO’s timelines, and not the Resolume GUI.

What I can also think of might be useful for you is this:

  • To start/stop TWO’s transport over OSC.
  • To jump to specific times in the timeline over OSC - should already be possible, but is best combined with the missing start/stop.
    This doesn’t currently exist in TWO, but will be easy for me to add and is a good feature to bring the OSC remote control up to par with the new Timelines.

The two above, combined, could be used to trigger the behavior you need, right? Perhaps these messages could even be stored as presets IN TWO, and triggered under the “Live” presets viewport. But I don’t think the triggering event from Arena could contain all the info needed, so if it has to be triggered from Arena, you’ll still need to patch that mapping in e.g. T.D. or Max come to think of it.

I’ll think of what other possible existing or new feature could be helpful for you, without dragging in tools like TD/Max.

It’s not necessary, but just checking, are you at all familiar with TouchDesigner, and/or MaxMSP? On what platform are you, Mac or Windows? IF you don’t mind, do also share your project files with me for the involved software and I can try things out to see if I can get the behavior we’ve discussed.

Finally, I hope you’ve downloaded the latest 0.10.1 version, it contains some important timelines improvements!

Ilias B.