New feature in 0.9.24: Editors with customisable layout

This one was a few months in the making:

I wanted TWO to allow users to create their own control layouts, but I didn’t want to make another flavour of the JazzMutant Lemur concept.

Partly because there’s a LOT of truly excellent applications with that functionality already, not the least the originator, Lemur, but also TouchOSC, OSC/Pilot, OpenStageController, etc.

And partly because that would go against the central design principle of TWO: of harnessing the already existing Namespace definitions, to reduce the otherwise so usual tedium in OSC software, of manually entering OSC data over and over.

So with these new Editor views, the control choices and sizes are purposefully limited, and the layout can be automatic, with the ability to customize it as much as you want, if you want.

And most importantly, the OSC data for the Editor view, is the data already defined in each Namespace: the Editor view is built from the Namespace, and directly linked to it, with little added metadata for the view only.

There’s some more features I plan on adding - mainly:

  • Matrices of buttons, e.g. for triggering clips.
  • Grouping panels.
  • Changing control colours and sizes.

But before doing that I wanted to get a first version out with the basic concept implemented: To get some user feedback on what features you’d want me to add, and because already as it is, it’s a big improvement over the earlier Editors!

So, please do give the new Editors a try and let me know what you think, head over to the Downloads page and get the latest build!