Experimental remote-control of TWO's transport - feature added

@crayfishuk I added the remote control features I mentioned in the previous thread, to an “experimental” build of TWO.

It’s available for Windows here. If you’re a mac user let me know and I’ll make a build for that too.

What I’ve added:
You can now send OSC messages to TWO’s “Incoming Model Events Port”, settable in the “Global Settings” tab, which control TWO’s timelines transport.

These are:

  1. /TWO/GlobalTransport/Play ii / ff / if/ fi …
  2. /TWO/GlobalTransport/Play i / f
  3. /TWO/GlobalTransport/Time i / f

So, “/TWO/GlobalTransport/Play 1, 20000” would start transport playback, at 20000 milliseconds of the timeline.

“/TWO/GlobalTransport/Play 1” wold start at wherever the time caret is currently positioned.

“/TWO/GlobalTransport/Play 0” would stop.

And “/TWO/GlobalTransport/Time 30000” would skip to 30000 milliseconds, without altering the playback state.

With these, you should be able to achieve the control you asked for, by placing your clips at the timeline, and remote-controlling the jumps between positions.

Let me know if this works for you, and whether you’d need other controls exposed.

Ilias B.

Cool! Will take a look next week probably… Thanks!


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